Friday, 24 June 2011

Prints - Dick Cheney

I used Dick Cheney's gorgeous mug as my second political figue for a uni project concerned with creating a cover design for an autobiography. Cheney was in the spotlight not long before this project began for shooting a mate of his on a hunting trip, the crazy shit.

Book Club 01 - Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk Designs, the Mona Lisa image was used to convey the theme of "destroying something beautiful". I used the city-scape with plenty of "white space" bearing down on it's inhabitants to identify with the narrator's feeling of "emptiness" and exclusion from his surroundings. The snowflake design was inspired by the quote; "you are not a beautiful or unique snowflake", the unique snowflake in the centre resembles the hypocrisy of Tyler Durden's nihilistic delusions.

To Warden Fanny-Baws

It's true, traffic wardens really are twats. Sticking a ticket on someones windshield when they've only be parked for two damn seconds and  explaining "it's just my job" is no fucking excuse! Get another job fanny-baws!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

The Walking Dead Fan Art

Black Hole Stop Motion

Stop motion animation me and a mate finished in second year of art school. The animation is supposed to show how science can be "exciting", so we chose to do something with the Large Hadron Collider and the possibility it may create a black hole. During the process however, we got carried away when researching old sci fi films and decided to go mental with the thing. Somehow we never got around to actually mentioning the LHC or science really, even so...

Prints - Abu Hamza

Project concerning political figures, past and present, for a hypothetical autobiography of their life. Using Illustrator/Photoshop to create a simple graphic, Abu Hamza's iconic hook and dominating appearance looks like it was a good choice.

Buzzword Photography 01

"Dead End"

"Desk Jockey"


"Ghost Town"


"Hang Em' High"

"Hit And Run"




Graff 02

Late 2008, Factory, Aberdeen. Venom motif

Graff 01

Early graffiti sketches and pieces, ranging from 2007 - 2008, Dundee to Aberdeen.

International Relations

A small selection of an early series of sketches done back in the day. Each countries flag was used as a backdrop and a single hand to resemble what a country may be remembered for or perhaps what international peers may think of them.